Many people have asked me how I get my prints printed and what kind of papers they are printed on. Here is the answer:
The photos are printed on a special type of paper called “glossy.” The paper has a shiny side that makes it look really lovely and gives you a lot of glare when looking at them from an angle. This is why I always recommend using a lightbox for viewing your pictures.
What is a Glossy Paper?
A gloss paper has a high amount of gloss or shine, mainly used in magazines, catalogs, calendars, etc. When printing on this kind of paper, the ink will be very visible.

Types of Glossy Finish
There are two types of finish for glossy finish:
Semi-Gloss- A semi-gloss finish means some reflection of light off the surface. If you look closely at a photo taken under direct sunlight, you can see the reflection of the sun.
High Gloss – A high gloss finish means that most light reflects off the surface. You can’t see any reflections of light on the surface.
How Do I Know Which One to Use?
If you want to make sure that the picture looks good, choose a semi-gloss finish. If you don’t care about the quality of the picture, then go ahead and use a high-gloss finish.
Characteristics of a Glossy Paper
High Gloss Papers have a characteristic that makes them different than regular papers, and they include:
Great Color Payoff
Glossy papers are well known for how great their color payoff is. They give you more saturated colors compared to regular papers.

More Transparency
The reflective nature of the paper allows more transparency into the image. That means that you can see through the paper and see the actual subject of the photograph.
The texture of the paper is much smoother than regular paper. Because of this, you may not like the feel of the paper as much, especially if you’re going to frame it.
Good Drying Time
Glossy papers dry faster than regular papers. So if you need to hang up your finished product right away, you should probably stick to regular papers.
This is another reason why you shouldn’t use glossy papers for framing. You’ll end up having a lot of glare on the glass.
When you use glossy papers, you’ll notice that they are stiffer than regular papers. This is because they are made out of plastic.

How to Print on a Glossy Paper
Step 1: Purchase the Right Glossy Paper
It’s an essential step before you start printing. Make sure that you buy the right paper. There are many different kinds of glossy papers available. Some are better suited for certain types of printing methods. For example, if you plan to print on canvas, you should avoid buying glossy papers that are too smooth. It would be best if you tried to find a matte finish instead.
I suggest that you purchase the best quality paper you can afford. Don’t skimp on the paper just because it’s expensive.
Step 2: Clean the Printer Rollers
Before you even think of starting to print, you must clean the rollers. The rollers are where the ink gets transferred from the printer onto the paper. Cleaning the rollers will help prevent clogging.
To clean the rollers, first, turn off the printer. Then remove the top cover of the printer. Using a soft cloth, wipe down all the rollers. Be careful when cleaning the rollers to don’t get any ink on your hands.
Step 3: Feed the Printer with the Glossy Paper
One page at a time, feed the printer with the glossy paper. It doesn’t matter whether you feed the paper from the front or back. Just be consistent.
I don’t recommend more than one page at a time because it takes longer to load the paper. And loading the paper is the last thing you want to do while printing. Also, because of the thickness and smoothness of the glossy paper, they may end up sticking together.

Step 4: Let the Printouts Dry
Once you’ve printed a few pages, wait until the prints are completely dry. If you leave the prints wet, then there’s a chance that they might smudge.
Step 5: Lay the Printouts on a Flat Surface to Dry them Completely
After you’ve waited long enough for the prints to dry, lay them flat on a dry surface. This includes the backs of the prints.
If you have a picture frame, place it over the prints. Otherwise, you can use a piece of cardboard.
Step 6: Hang Your Prints Up!
Now that the prints are ready, you can hang them up. Use some double-sided tape to attach the prints to the wall. Or you can use clear adhesive tape.
Factors to Consider When Printing on a Glossy Paper
You can save money by using a glossy paper. However, it would be best if you considered the cost of the paper itself and the price of the ink.
Some glossy papers are not as durable as others. They tend to tear easily. But this isn’t always the case.

Most printers come with a maximum size limit. This means that you cannot print larger than what the printer allows.
Thicker glossy papers are usually more expensive. So make sure that you choose the right kind of paper for your needs.
Glossy papers come in various colors. You’ll need to decide which color looks best for your project.
Smooth glossy papers are usually easier to work with. But they’re also less durable.
Type of Ink
There are three main types of ink: dye-based, pigment-based, and metallic. Dye-based ink tends to fade faster than other types. Metallic ink is very shiny. And pigment-based ink is somewhere in between.

Adhesive Strength
When choosing an adhesive, look for something strong. For example, if you use clear tape, make sure that it sticks well.
Look for a glossy paper that has good durability. A lot depends on how often you plan to print.
Ease of Handling
Make sure that the glossy paper is easy to handle. Some people find it difficult to hold the paper without tearing it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How much does it cost?
A: The cost of the glossy paper varies depending on the brand. But generally speaking, the cheaper the paper, the lower it is quality.

Q: Is it worth buying glossy paper?
A: Yes, but only if you know exactly what you’re doing. There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to buy a particular type of paper.
Q: What else can I use instead?
A: You can use regular paper or even card stock. It all depends on your budget and personal preference.
Q: Can I use my photos?
A: Sure, you can. Just make sure that you get permission from the person whose photo you want to use.
Q: Do I need special equipment to print on glossy paper?
A. No, you don’t need any special equipment. All you need is a computer, a printer, and a connectivity device.
Q: Will my photo turn out blurry?
A: Not necessarily. If you want sharp images, you may want to use matte paper. But if you prefer soft edges, you might want to go for glossier paper.
Q: Does printing on glossy paper require extra time?
A: No, you shouldn’t notice any difference at all. Most printers will tell you how long it takes to print on different kinds of paper.
Final Verdict
Glossy paper is great because it’s cheap and easy to use. But there are so many things to think about before making a purchase. Make sure that you do some research first. In our article on how to print on a glossy paper, we’ve provided everything you need to know about this paper. I hope that you find this helpful guide!